Opening Hours : Monday - Friday 9 am to 5 pm

Shipping a motorhome?

We understand that shipping a motorhome to the United Kingdom can be a tricky thing to do and we are here to undertake that process to avoid you having to deal with it.

As they are slightly larger than cars the process for shipping them can vary ever so slightly depending on the size.


We ensure your motorhome makes it to the United Kingdom safely and within a reasonable time frame. Whether this is by road freight or shipping it in a container. 

Motorhome Shipping Costs Worldwide

Motorhome Shipping Costs Worldwide

Origin Destination Cost (USD)
United States United Kingdom $3,000 - $5,000
United States Germany $3,500 - $6,000
United States Australia $6,000 - $10,000
United Kingdom United States £2,500 - £4,500
United Kingdom Germany £2,000 - £3,500
United Kingdom Australia £4,500 - £7,500
Motorhome Shipping Times Worldwide

Motorhome Shipping Times Worldwide

Origin Destination Shipping Time (days)
United States United Kingdom 30-45
United States Germany 30-45
United States Australia 45-60
United Kingdom United States 30-45
United Kingdom Germany 15-30
United Kingdom Australia 45-60